Friday, September 18, 2009

selamat ari raya

kad raye yg telah aku post kan kat kwn2 dlm myspace..
kad ni aku jz edit ckt2 jer

jeles bile tgk org len ade kad raya sendiri
tp agak malas sbrnyer buat kad sendiri ni
so aku pon ambik jln mudah
men edit ckt2 jer

selamat hari raye aidilfitri kawan2

Monday, September 14, 2009

celaka kau!!~

aku x taw apa masalah kau

ape kau nk dr aku wey??
aku x kaco kau..
xpayah r kaco aku
aku x penah post psl benda bodo2 cmni
blog aku ni jz 4 fun
ko bc kat titile atas tu
tp di sbb kan aku da kasi aku hilang sabar ngn kau
aku send kat cni kasi smua org bc
aku bkn nk malu kan kau
ni jer aku bley buat kasi aku PUASATI
aku xder la gile nk g serang kau kan..
penat mak bapak aku antar aku blajar tnggi2 klu aku xbley nk pk
aku x bley nk halang kau klu kau nak atur kan date diorg plak ke pasni kan
aku xder hak
lg pon
tu ko punyer psl la wey
tp seriusly
aku nk bg taw ko
ko mcm CELAKA...SIAL...
aku mmg seorg yg pendendam...
jz wait n c babi!!~~

klu kau rs nk megadu kat kwn baek kau tu megadu la wey..
aku cikit pon x heran....
korg mmg da berjaya saket kan ati aku..
ape lg korg nk ?.

p/s: aku x hingin jumpe kau da...bangsat loo...lame aku x maki org...babi!!~~

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Relationships are like glass.
Sometimes it's better to leave them broken
than try to hurt yourself putting it back together

The stupidest mistake in life is thinking the one who hurt you the most,
won't hurt you again

Eamon - Fuck It (girl Version)


Oh oh
no no no

(You know there is two sides to every story).

See I don't know why you crying like a bitch,
talking shit like a snitch,
why'd you write a song about me,
if you really didn't care,
you wouldn't wanna share,
telling everybody just how you feel.

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow,
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out,
Fuck all the crying, it didn't mean jack,
well guess what yo, fuck you right back.

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow,
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out,
Fuck all the crying, it didn't mean jack,
well guess what yo, fuck you right back.

You thought you could really make me moan,
I had better sex all alone (ha ha ha ha),
I had to do your friend,
now you want me to come back,
you must be smoking crack,
Im going else where and thats a fact.

Fuck all those nights I moaned out real loud,
fuck it, I faked it, i'll rent you out,
fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back,
well guess what yo, your sex was wack.

Fuck all those nights I moaned out real loud,
fuck it, I faked it, i'll rent you out,
fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back,
well guess what yo, your sex was wack.

whoa whoa
uh uh yea

whoa whoa
uh uh yea

whoa whoa
uh uh yea

whoa whoa
uh uh yea

You questioned did I care,
maybe I would how if you wanna come to me,
now it's over,
but I do admit i'm glad I didn't catch your crabs,
I can't swear bad cause I got to go.

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow,
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out,
Fuck all the crying, it didn't mean jack,
well guess what yo, fuck you right back.

You made me do it.